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Hi everyone I've been away for sum time, we didn't get any chickens and have cancelled the cube as we really did need to make sure they were right for us (maybe in a year or two once we've moved). It was a good job that we did really as my beautiful Seal Bicolour ragdoll Hermione whos meant to be 6 in May suddenly became seriously ill, we rushed her to the vets (it looked like her body was shutting down) on the friday and they decided to keep her there, took some blood samples and an x-ray then rang bk (just when I was about to get my hair cut n coloured) saying the blood results are looking worrying and if they could have my permission to put her on a DRIP! Her blood was thick and goopey, of course I said yes, I didn't get my hair cut as I was very upset. When we got back home they rang again and told me at only 5 years old Hermione has got Kidney Failure and is only working on less then half a kidney! She said that it would be good to keep her on the drip (stay at the vets) for 3-4days we visted her everyday and on the monday went to get the new blood results. We were thinking that we would have to have her put to sleep but she was much happier in herself and the vet said they don't need to keep her in and would be fine for her to come home! Shes not in any pain that we can tell of and seems very close to her usual self (expressing her opinion loudly if shes not getting Hermione prawns or aloud out of my bedroom to go outside :roll: ). Shes making an improvement steadily everyday so, so far so good. Shes been rolling around outside (a bit high on a catnip sock!) and stalking birds, esp the wren which shes craving to get hold of. Fingers-crossed she will be ok in the long run, I'd never let her suffer as she means so much to me shes my soul mate and I know I proberly won't have her for long but everyday that shes happy and in ok order is nearest the best thing I could ever have wish for.


I will keep you guys posted. Shes to see the vets again in 10 days time, meanwhile my mum and I have to give her some pills....GREAT!!! :roll:

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Have they spoken to you about diet :?


Normally with kidney problems animals need to eat prescription diet because their kidneys can't deal with the toxins certain foods cause a build up :shock:


Might be worth asking next visit :?


Glad she is back home with you not good in such a young animal :cry:

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