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Guest Debs13

Mobile Phones

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I have just sold my 'very' old mobile phone on the internet. It is to a company called Mopay. They will recycle your phone and also donate 10% of the sale price to Childline. (There is an option for you to donate all of the sale price to Childline if you so wish).


Another company like this is called Envirofone who recycle all the bits and will give you cash or Argos vouchers


These companies were recommended by Martin Lewis who does money saving tips on Radio 2 and has a programme on TV called 'Make me Rich'.


He also has a website which is very good.


Links as follows:







PS I bought my new phone on one of Martins' recommendations. It was from Amazon, it cost £29.99 with £30.00 credit and I also got an extra £10.00 credit for transferring my old number onto my new phone. Bargain.

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I will look into this Louise when I next have a new phone. Which will probably be in another 5 years, :oops: I only renewed this last one as I had to buy more credits and saw this offer which combined a new phone with credits already on it.


Not really into mobile phones, only use them if I absolutely have to. :!::!:


I will pass this link onto to friends and colleagues :):)

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