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Jane 20

Run nearly finished..but when do they go in

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Our run is nearly finished but rather than putting our two girls in now would we be better to wait until our new arrivals are here? At the moment we have a GN and MP and are hoping to get three more - two skylines and an amber star but they won't be here until the end of May. Would it be a good idea to wait and put them all in together? :? They would all be new to their surroundings then and on more of an equal footing and we might get less bullying etc. (That's if I can wait :lol: )

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I can see the logic in what you are saying. I wouldn't be able to wait if it were me though. You *should* have fewer problems, introducing 3 new to 2 old, rather than the other way round, although, in my limited experience, pecking order seems to be related to the order in which each chook came into/will come into lay (how do they know? :? ).


Whatever you do you'll end up with some argy-bargy, but I don't know if what you are proposing will reduce it. I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will be along in a mo.

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I'd put them in as I know I wouldn't be able to wait either! When you introduce the newbies you could keep them closed off in the eglu run for safety and just open the eggport door for the others to lay their eggs. At night they'll roost and then the newbies can settle in. You'll have enough space to separate them until they've settle in. Lucky you, you must be very excited. I couldn't sleep the night before I collected my girls. :D

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