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Bokashi bins.

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I'm not sure if this is the right place for this thread but does anybody use one of those bokashi bins for food waste?


I've just got a pair (our Tesco was selling them off for £21 for a pair - not surprisingly they have none left now).


Is it OK to put food which is already mouldy in it or will it mess up the "fermentation" process?


The bumph says that if when you open the bin after leaving it for 2 weeks there is a white thready mould it is OK but if it is a normal green mould the fermentation has failed and you should throw it away.


So far I haven't put anything mouldy in it but that means it goes in the normal household waste, which I hate.


Thanks in advance for any help or advice.



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Hi PJ :) .


I got 2 bokashi bins some months ago. The first two worked brilliantly and went into the compost. The next two didn't work at all :? . They just didn't go "pickley" like they're supposed to. No idea why :( . I left them both in the garage for weeks and weeks - today I had another look and there was white mould growing all over the top. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea putting the contents on the compost so ended up putting them in the ordinary bin (what a waste of all that bokashi bran :evil: ). The odd thing was, there was absolutely no smell at all and all the food was still recognisable :shock: . It was like it had been preserved.


I've washed them out and will start again. Fingers crossed they work this time. (I did tend to put a lot of bread in - lots of crusts - and wonder if this was the problem. I'll try not to do that so much now.)


Not sure about the mould question - can't remember :? .

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