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Jane 20

Anyone else got snow today?

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Down here in Surrey we have had a couple of inches overnight - girls not impressed, Olivia did poke her head out but quickly went back in. Have put some food in the eglu for them, This is the first time they've been in the eglu during the day! Glad its keeping them warm :)

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Yes, snow here too. Girls weren't ina rush to get up this morning, but they came down and stood in the run. I gave them pellet porridge for brekkie. They still ate their Swingball contents.


They were standing around, so I've just been out and thrown some corn on the run floor and givev them their afternoon vegetable (cabbage today) to give them something to do.



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Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr too much for me & mine here upon the hill in Kent. They didn't want to come out their cube this morning, can't balme them..they're now sheltering beneath cube all huddled together.

Its falling heavily & *laying, (*unlike my chooks). Hmmm a day next to fire for me i think, maybe a nice walk in the snow .. later much later maybe when its all gone :)


Ms Tilydoesntliketobecoldinthesnow

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My lot are all very wary of the snow. First time they've seen a decent amount of snow since we've had them. Henny (top hen) came out for 5 mins to eat treats from my hand and the rest wouldn't venture out, even for corn!!!! The run is open at the moment but they are all hiding inside it.

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