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Mixing chickens

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Getting my first ever chickens at the end of this month. Really looking forward to it and my lovely run is being made by the wonderful Tony who I believe a lot of Omlet owners have used to make their runs.I was wondering if any one can help me with a question. I want to get about 4 chickens to start but don.t know if I should get all hybrids or all pure breeds or can I mix the two or will the pure breeds beat up the hybids or vice versa. I was thinking of Sussex & Marans for the pure breeds. Does any one know if these can be mixed with the hybrids? :?:

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I started off with two omlet hens and two pure breeds. They were fine after the initial sparring :roll: My pure breeds were probably not a good match for the omlet girls with hindsight (at least initially). The araucana was very nervous and the campine was a bit smaller and quite flighty, but they were fine in the end. The sussex and maran sound ideal - decent sized birds and not likely to be nervous or flighty! Go for it I say 8)

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Hi Maria


Lucky you - Tony lives not far from me, but I have yet to broach the subject of walk-in runs with the LSH ;)


As long as they are roughly the same size, you should be fine with a mix. Some large breeds don't get on well with bantams or other small breeds such as silkies, but most are OK with hens their own size. Sussex seem to be a placid breed, but I'm not so sure about Marans, as I have heard mixed opinions on them - Miss Pepperpots are part Maran and based on the posts here they do seem to be a bit more aggressive than the Gingernuts. It really depends on the individual hen, though - there are rogues and bullies in most breeds.

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