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rain shelter

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We got the cube/girls on Easter Weekend - and the weather was just DREADFUL - driving rain and wind.


Went to the local DIY store and got a large sheet of the clear plastic (UV treated) honeycomb stuff that you use on greenhouses/car port roofs (you can tell I'm a DIY buff by my lack of name-knowledge).


By joining three pieces together to form a 3 sided shape, it fits around the back of the cube over the wire mesh and


a) still lets in light

b) protects from driving wind and rain

c) stops at least half of the woodbark/hemcore being thrown about and




d) lets the girls feel safer if a fox is prowling around.


It has been shaped to fit under the wheel release handles at the back and held together by 3 x loops of thick garden wire on the two sides. You need a saw to cut it, but it's a LOT easier than perspex. If I had any idea how to get a photo of it on the forum, I would - but certainly not that techno yet....

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