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where can i buy chickens Milton Keynes?

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Hi can any one tell me where i can get some chickens from? i live in milton keynes. so far the closest i can find is 'merrydale farm' in leicester. of which w're happy to go to but was wondering i any body knew of any sites closer. websites would be n advantage bt names willdo otherwise.

many thanks


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Hi Emma! I found a really nice place on the other side of Towcester, it's called The Bell Plantation. It's a garden centre but they also sell chickens and they advice you on how to look after them, breeds, etc...


Take the A5 towards Towcester, pass through the village, pass the Harley Davidson Garage and keep going until you get to the roundabout, at the big roundabout take 3rd exit and VERY SOON afterwards you will see an entrance on the right hand side, get in and you'll see it.


I went in last week and they had some lovely chickens. I've put an order for a Buff Orpington and 2 Cream Legbars (I'm considering a White Leghorn, but let's see how we get on with this little lot...).


If you don't mind what breed they are (or whether they are boys or girls for that matter) there's a children's nursery in Wavendon where they normally 'hatch' eggs for the children to see chicks being born - then they either give them to the families of the children or to the local farm. I know a lady who works there and got 4 chicks from her... the only thing is that some could be cockerels.


Prices at the Bell Plantation vary depending on breed - but normally you can get a hen from £15/£25 - they also have Bantams - and if you are after a specific breed they can find it for you.


Good luck!


Ana x

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