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How long do hens live for, on average?

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We've just had a sad loss; she was fine this morning, but rather not now.

A burial will be in order tonight.

The other two are fine and dandy. I think they're about 5ish, they are ex free range, we may have had them longer than I think, maybe 6altogether incl the time on the farm.

Not a bad way to go, out in the sunshine, then into the nest box and that was it.

Sad, but these are the facts of life. I shan't replace her yet as the other two will bully whatever I get in.

Not much chance of eggs now then!!!

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I thought it was about 4-8 years. but i think it depends on the breed, our pure breeds apparently have a life expectancy of 10 years :shock:


one woman (i cant remember if it was on here) had a 12 year old chicken!


So sorry to hear of your loss :cry: , but like you say she's had a lovely life and thank goodness she went quietly and quickly after a day in the sun bless her.

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