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Guest Penguinmad

Foxwatch - for a huge garden

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I was wondering how effective a foxwatch would be in my extremely large garden.


Some of you have seen pictures but basically our house is roughly in the middle of a 1/2 acre plot so the back garden is pretty sizable.


After the recent fox attack on Pengy Mum would be happy to spring for a foxwatch if we thought there was any poing, if the garden is just too big we will be rethinking this.


We plan to put up chicken wire all around the tops of the fences - there is NOTHING the other side of the fences that a fox can use to jump on except a greenhouse which is higher than the fences itself. We've blocked the gap where the fox came through last time. I wish any fox who wants to dig under our fences on the SOLID CLAY soil that we have the best of luck - I can't dig it very deep!


This fox WILL BE scared of people - we are in the country, "Ooops, word censored!"ody feeds foxes and it comes from a field which is choc a block with rabbits.


Will a foxwatch be a useful addition to our defences?

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Like Egluntine, I really recommend it but not as the only line of defence.


Contrary to what Tessa suggests, I'd be inclined to put it near the Eglu/Cube/run, so it covers the likely path that a fox would take. You haven't got much hope of covering the field - and anyway, you don't mind it being there, what you want is to stop it coming into the garden.


Point it away from the chickens so they don't set it off all the time, that's what runs the batteries down. I have mine facing away from the Cube, towards the likely Fox entry point.


You might need two.

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Contrary to what Tessa suggests, I'd be inclined to put it near the Eglu/Cube/run, so it covers the likely path that a fox would take. You haven't got much hope of covering the field - and anyway, you don't mind it being there, what you want is to stop it coming into the garden.


The reason I suggested covering the field was because I assumed that Pengy is worried about the fox when the chickens are free-ranging, I think they were freeranging when the fox got one of them? Although I constantly wish I had a bigger garden, I can see that having more land creates it's own problems :roll:



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