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Newbie : Soft-shelled egg?

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Hi all,


We've had our girls for about 3 weeks now after buying them from a fellow omletter and hubby has not long come in and said he has found a soft-shelled egg in the run?


Both girls have laid today and both seem very happy this evening and were parading around the borders about an hour ago as if nothing was wrong. However this has got us both a bit worried. Is this due to a lack of grit? Both girls free-range and we have a gravelled area in the garden which they love scratching over and I would have thought they would have eaten that if they needed any grit?


Is there something they are lacking? If so will try to get some asap tomorrow.



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Hi Christian,


The lady I bought the girls from has had them since last June so they would be over a year old now? I'll have to get them some mixed poultry grit but I've noticed some people feed them baked egg shells so might give that a go as well?



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HI, my pepperpot has just started to lay her first eggs but both were very soft and broke. They free-range around the garden are fed on layers pellets and have spare grit in another grub.

Since letting them out this am she is doing a strange 'walk' every so often, she stretches her legs out and walks slower than normal.


Any help would be appreciated.

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One of mine is laying softies - she seems to lay two per day and she seems to drop them anywhere! Yesterday she laid her first hard shelled egg in the nest - so I thought things were all ok! Then this morning - another softie laid on the threshold of the Eglu - it's as if she doesn't know it's coming!


I hope things settle down soon!




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