Abbey Road Girl Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 Tesco has a set of children's garden tools for £7 which I saw while unsuccessfully searching for a clear shower curtain. The rake looked especially useful for snagging poo clumps out of the aubiose, though it really wouldn't reach the far corners as it's only about a yard long. I think the rake was orange, the spade was red and I think the third implement was a yellow fork, making them easily visible in the garden. Proper adult-sized garden tools seem too heavy. The best suggestion I've seen in the forum was from the person (can't remember who it was, sorry) who cleverly used a slotted kitty litter cleaning implement. I would have bought the set if it hadn't seemed a bit pricey. (I don't dare add up the money I've recently spent!) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 I use some long handled barbecue tools we got free when I ordered a casserole pan from don't know if they're still sending them out but they're perfect for reaching into the nooks and crevices Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ali-s Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 I use a child size rake and spade in the chicken run that used to belong to my daughter. I have a back problem and if I use an adults spade I try to lift too much on it. The rake is great for raking up the auboise and spreading it around. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
freddie Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 We just dont sit in our back garden any more!!! It rains a lot in Devon, so the lawn is amazingly green and well fertilized, and with 3 hens, I have'nt had to mow it since October last yr!!! I left the veg patch gate open all winter, and they done a pretty good job with that too!! Please don't say I'm mucky!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mrs Webmuppet Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 I use Little Miss Webmuppets old seaside shovel, rake, a kids dustpan and brush for cleaning out my chooks the smaller implements are easier to use. The old shovel and a seaside bucket are useful for daily poo picking. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abbey Road Girl Posted April 20, 2008 Author Share Posted April 20, 2008 I guess the thing to do is to check out the BBQ section before I buy the child size garden tools. And add a seaside type bucket! My son has always been an avid BBQ kind of guy. I wonder what he would make of seeing chicken poos being picked up with tongs? That poo looks a little underdone... Thanks everyone! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pookylover Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 I thought about a cat litter poop scoop to poo pick the house. I am currently using a coal shovel and pink bucket that I brought for this purpose but I find I tend to put too many shavings in the bucket aswell. Don't think the cat would see the funny side if I borrowed her poop scoop so I will have to buy another. OMG don't tell my husband I have to buy more things for the chickens! He feels they are getting better fed than him at the moment! Clare Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 .... OMG don't tell my husband I have to buy more things for the chickens! He feels they are getting better fed than him at the moment! Clare ahhhh, give him a bit of layers mash and a few meal worms, that'll cheer him up Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 I guess the thing to do is to check out the BBQ section before I buy the child size garden tools. And add a seaside type bucket! My son has always been an avid BBQ kind of guy. I wonder what he would make of seeing chicken poos being picked up with tongs? That poo looks a little underdone... Thanks everyone! try and avoid tesco if you can, try your local garden centre first. Tesco are unscrupulous. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abbey Road Girl Posted April 21, 2008 Author Share Posted April 21, 2008 Hi Poet, As I gave up driving more than 20 years ago, I don't have easy access to a local garden shop, only places like B&Q and Homebase. I'm just finishing the first draft of a book about The Corporation 1067-2007 and I can confirm that being unscrupulous isn't for Tesco alone. It's just about imposssible to purchase any commercial item that doesn't have a shady past and dirty secrets. I have been a member of Cambridge's LETS (local exchange and trading scheme) for several years but as yet this cannot meet all needs. I do as much as I can, including cutting out those plastic windows before recycling! -- but I do occasionally cut myself some slack. My son bought me the set and it consists of a green rake (like you use for leaves), red spade and yellow rake (the kind that looks like a wide-toothed comb). Sorry that my previous description was not accurate. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
afrozenbrew Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 Poet, I think it was you who posted a link for making food scoops out of old plastic milk bottles, do you still have that link? Why not make your own cat litter tray poop scoop out of a milk bottle too? I use one for the dust bath and nesting box and it's great. You could even attach one to an old broom handle or piece of dowel to reach into the run easily. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pookylover Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 Why not make your own cat litter tray poop scoop out of a milk bottle too? I use one for the dust bath and nesting box and it's great. You could even attach one to an old broom handle or piece of dowel to reach into the run easily. Oooh, what a good idea. Will have a go later and see what I come up with. Husband will be pleased I have saved him money. Means I can buy something MORE expensive for the chickens with the money I saved! Clare x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HENthusiastic Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 I just use a glove! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 Poet, I think it was you who posted a link for making food scoops out of old plastic milk bottles, do you still have that link? . here you go ours works a treat Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DiamondsEggs Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 I Use My Old Toy Rakes And Spades For Muckin The Girls Out. But I Still Use Them Anyway Coz I'm Still A Kid Its Great, They Work A Treat Really. Make Shift Stuff Does The Job Jus As Good Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 I Use My Old Toy Rakes And Spades For Muckin The Girls Out.But I Still Use Them Anyway Coz I'm Still A Kid Its Great, They Work A Treat Really. Make Shift Stuff Does The Job Jus As Good isn't it past your bed time? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
safari chick Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 Tesco has a set of children's garden tools for £7 which I saw while unsuccessfully searching for a clear shower curtain. Does anyone know where to buy a clear shower curtain? I think its a brilliant idea for the winter?. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abbey Road Girl Posted April 22, 2008 Author Share Posted April 22, 2008 Since we're having a bit of an environment tussle here--better described as a learning curve--I get milk delivered each week in a recylable glass bottle (even though I might not use it all) instead of getting milk in plastic bottles. Swings and roundabouts? BTW, I never go to ASDA even though it's just as close as Tesco. We all have to make our choices as best we can. 99% or more people here have good hearts! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 Since we're having a bit of an environment tussle here.... eh? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abbey Road Girl Posted April 22, 2008 Author Share Posted April 22, 2008 We here are on a learning curve and do our best in different ways. I do not buy milk in plastic bottles but have it delivered once a week in recycleable glass bottles. Therefore,, my environmental footprint is different from yours Together we will make a difference. Oh dear, Poet and others, I'm having a problem with posting! Let's see where it goes from here.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 We here are on a learning curve and do our best in different ways. I do not buy milk in plastic bottles but have it delivered once a week in recycleable glass bottles. Therefore,, my environmental footprint is different from yours Together we will make a difference. Oh dear, Poet and others, I'm having a problem with posting! Let's see where it goes from here.... sorry, you've lost me. "Ooops, word censored!"ody is going on about carbon footprints and the like, we're just exchanging ideas of tools for cleaning out the coop/eglu. somone asked me to post the link I found a while ago to a blog that shows you how to re-use plastic milk bottles so I did. We use them as food scoops but i s'pose they could be used as poop scoops too. "Ooops, word censored!"ody is asking you to justify where you shop or what you buy so if you feel the need to, then ask yourself why? "Ooops, word censored!"ody else is judging you apart from you as far as i can see. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abbey Road Girl Posted April 22, 2008 Author Share Posted April 22, 2008 I believe, Poet, that you posted that we should try and avoid Tesco if we could and to " try your local garden centre first. Tesco are unscrupulous". At the moment I can't find my post which suggested that there are few if any innocent coporations (my field of study). I believe that you also recommended making plastic milk bottles into scoops. I think that that's a good suggestion but hat it would be better to avoid plastic milk bottles altogether. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 I believe, Poet, that you posted that we should try and avoid Tesco if we could and to " try your local garden centre first. Tesco are unscrupulous". At the moment I can't find my post which suggested that there are few if any innocent coporations (my field of study). I believe that you also recommended making plastic milk bottles into scoops. I think that that's a good suggestion but hat it would be better to avoid plastic milk bottles altogether. I said "if you can", I didn't TELL you where to shop. You responded with a reply about a book you were reading that said most big corporations were unscrupulous at one time or another. I didn't dispute that or tell you were wrong. That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I have plenty of evidence to support my statement but decided not to pursue it as this is a thread about poop scoops. Neither did I say plastic milk bottles were better or worse than glass ones. I merely responded to another poster's request for the link I posted a while ago about making them into scoops. I don't understand why this thread has turned into an environmental rant!? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abbey Road Girl Posted April 22, 2008 Author Share Posted April 22, 2008 Poet, you said that ""Ooops, word censored!"ody is asking you to justify where you shop or what you buy so if you feel the need to, then ask yourself why? "Ooops, word censored!"ody else is judging you apart from you as far as i can see." But you suggested that people (me, for example) should avoid buying anything from Tesco's as they were "unscrupulous". If you go back to my original post you will see that I was inviting comments, not giving a commandment. In other words, the topic was open for discussion (not least because I try to avoid shopping at supermarkets). Square that if you can. Or let's just agree that each of us will do our best to help the planet. I believe that there is more that unites us than divides us. What do you think? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 22, 2008 Share Posted April 22, 2008 ....If you go back to my original post you will see that I was inviting comments,... exactly! So I commented You said these plastic tools were on sale in Tesco so I made a comment about Tesco (which I believe to be true). You responded and that was that as far as I was concerned. "Ooops, word censored!"ody, as far as I could see, was having "an environmental tussle" especially not about milk bottles. Thank you for an enjoyable verbal joust but for now, i think the best thing I can do for the environment is switch my computer off, so, goodnight! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...