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Introducing batteries to 2 week established girls.

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I've had an eglu and two girls for 2 weeks now. Yesterday I collected two ex-batteries, and although they have adjusted well, the two omlet girls are making their lives hell by their bullying. I realise from what I have read that the two established chooks are territorial and have read all the advice about keeping them separate, but do not have the space or facilities. I was wondering whether I could put the omlet two in a cat carrier in the conservatory overnight so that they may feel disadvantaged at being "thrown off their patch", thus making the two ex-batts feel more at home. Would this work? Any advice would be gratefully received. I'm off to buy some spray tomorrow for the poorly girls wounds. Hope this all makes sense as this is rather new to me.

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Welcome to the forum. :lol:


Your suggestion might be a good idea as it will "wrong foot" the Omlet girls and they will lose the home advantage,


Generally the pecking order thing does sort itself out.


Have you got an extended run? A standard Omlet run might not give them enough room to get away from eachother.


Also, food issues can be a cause of squabbles, For the time being it might be a good idea to put a few extra food and drink bowls out, so that no-one is prevented from eating.


Good luck.

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I am going to get an extension for the run, as I feel that they do need more room.


Today was lovely as they were all in the garden (two stayed one side and two the other!) but when they were all put in the run together the ex-batts tended to stay in the eglu. During the week they will probably stay in the run more as it was quite a palavar catching the two omlet girls (or the Kray twins as I've now re-named them!) Compared to the two new girls they've really developed such an attitutde in such a short space of time, which of course just makes my heart go out all the more to my new scragglies.

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I don't think it matters how much room the hens have, mixing is always going to present an issue for both sides.

My hefty omlet girls and my emaciated ex batts have lived in runs side by side for 6 weeks now and I have been mixing them for a short time every day, normally late afternoon and the Omlets still go in for ex-batt bashing!! Mixed corn is the saving grace - they all swarm in for hand feeding and peck my hands to pieces!!

One of my ex-batts is still the skinnyest thing and as soon as I open the door and mix the hens she hunches up and keeps to her own side. It is because of her I keep them separated when I am not around as she does get picked on.

It is amusing to see the old and new girls squaring up to eachother!! The ex batts are so plucky (opps, sorry) - I am just glad they can't see themselves in a mirror as they probably wouldn't be quite so brave.

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