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Registering Chickens??

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Not quite sure where to put this so if this is the wrong place moderators, I'm sorry.


Two weeks ago my landlord's dog killed one of my Beauties, they are kept in about 1/3 acre of orchard type land (landlord's) and I've sort of re-fenced it - as in bought some fencing to go around the inside of the sheep fencing. The dog got through the sheep fencing from the neighbouring field (also landlord's). As a direct consequence of that I bought some more fencing and doubled up the sheep fence so it can't get in anymore.

I've bought 3 more Beauties (2 girls, 1 boy) but as they're only 9 weeks old they're in a fenced off run and house (and will be for a good while) while my 2 adults are free range.


My question is:

Is there any way of licencing or registering these birds so if the dog got them again I could sue the landlord under the dangerous dogs act? The dog is allowed to roam free and is not under control.


I know the question is possibly quite odd but I love and care so much for these birds and short of shutting them in a run 24/7 I've now done all I can to keep the dog out.

I also know the question is a bit over the top but after looking at various websites chickens can be classed as livestock if the intention is for breeding - which I will be doing (well, not me exactly :oops: ) and under the Dangerous Dogs Act the dog would be causing harm/malice etc to livestock.


Could someone help?? Or point me in the right direction? Please?


(Again, sorry if this post is in the wrong place and also rather long and rambling!)


Thanks in advance.



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Is there any way of licencing or registering these birds so if the dog got them again I could sue the landlord under the dangerous dogs act?


I chose to complete a Voluntary Registration on the DEFRA website but I only did this as you get text messages to your mobile alerting you to any birdflu outbreaks and I decided I would like that option so I could determine whether or not to invoke biosecure measures.


Having said that, I'm not sure how a DEFRA registration would help if you needed to sue a dog owner?????

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