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It's here. It's HUGE

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I am very excited! My Cube arrived at 8.30 this morning and my 3 girls are pottering around, loving the space (the babies will join them in about 4 weeks). They have already mastered the ladder, but seem a bit clueless about the super glug.


Has anyone any tips on how to get chickens to drink from the glug? I don't want them to die of thirst!

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Mine took to it instantly which was both gratifying and surprising. :shock:


When they are near the Gulg you could dribble a little water from a container as close to the Glug as possible. When I fill the Glug and water spills over, they are attracted to the spill so maybe being attracted to the spill will attract them to the Glug.


Make them connect the Glug with water.

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:evil: I wish mine were that smart! I've spent ages tapping the nipples of the Glug with the spout of the little watering-can that I use to fill up their water container with. Not one of them has shown ANY interest at all at the trickle of water coming out.
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Olly, maybe you are "telling" rather than "showing". Pointing and tapping may mean nothing to them except that you are a bit weird. :wink:


If you spill some water over the side while they're in the vicinity, they should connect the container with water (leave them without for a short time) and then they may try to make it happen themselves.


Let me know if it works! :D

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When I say 'tapping', I mean pressing the spout against it so that water trickles out. They peck at the spout and at the water on the ground, but just don't seem to connect it with the Glug. I thought the bright red was supposed to attract them to peck at it. :(


Normally when I come up with the watering-can, they rush up to drink from the spout as I'm pouring it in, so I thought they would take to the Glug really easily. It's frustrating because in this hot weather, the peanut I'm using doesn't hold enough for four chickens all day.


I'll try spilling it over the side tomorrow, I'm desperate to get them using it! I have thought about smearing porridge or marmite or something on the nipples ... (sorry, just re-read that last bit :oops: )

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When I say 'tapping', I mean pressing the spout against it so that water trickles out. They peck at the spout and at the water on the ground, but just don't seem to connect it with the Glug. I thought the bright red was supposed to attract them to peck at it. :(


Normally when I come up with the watering-can, they rush up to drink from the spout as I'm pouring it in, so I thought they would take to the Glug really easily. It's frustrating because in this hot weather, the peanut I'm using doesn't hold enough for four chickens all day.


I'll try spilling it over the side tomorrow, I'm desperate to get them using it! I have thought about smearing porridge or marmite or something on the nipples ... (sorry, just re-read that last bit :oops: )


It's hard to explain, Olly, but there would be a difference between your tapping and the watering can and the water flowing w/o the distraction of tapping and the watering-can. The watering can should not be the signal for water.


We critters do what works and they have trained you to deliver them water via your watering can. :doh:


As for the smearing of marmite on er..., well... :oops:

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