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Luton Chooks

New Chickens today

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Well, after having all of our hens killed by a (suspected) fox on Wednesday night, we went over to Thornes in Letchworth today to get three new ones.


As per the updated sig, we now have Elsie, Florrie and Gertie. A White Nick, Maran Cuivre and Rhode Star respectively. They're all about 17 weeks old and seem to have settled in to the eglu pretty well so far.


I won't be making the mistake of leaving the run door open again.... 3 years and complacency set in on my part. Still sticks in the throat that they got killed because of me not paying attention. :(


Will post pics soon.



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My girls are all from Thornes and are lovely, I hope you enjoy yours as much as I do. Frank told me that the Rhode Star takes a long while to mature and I have certainly found that with mine - she was laying at about 24 weeks but still hasn't gone red or got headgear and doesn't lay very large eggs yet.


Were your lost hens in an Eglu run when you lost them to the fox? I leave my eglu door open at night but if the fox still got your's I'll have to reconsider.



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I would be very interested to know when your Maran starts laying - how dark the eggs will be as I have been wondering whether to get a true Marans or a hybrid version


My Maran Cuivre from Thornes started laying at about 24 weeks (but it was midwinter) and has laid nearly every day since she started. They are generally around 60g and a gorgeous coffee brown colour with dark brown speckles. Her egg is the darkest one in this photo, but you can't see the speckles on it




Behaviour wise, she's not the biggest character of the group but she's not unpleasant and when she runs she looks like a fat old woman lifting her skirts and rolling along!



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Hi Jo - re: the eglu door.


Nope I paid the price for leaving the run door open. The eglu door was always open at night - especially during the warmer months. That night I forgot about the run door and the rest is history.


I think once these new girls are settled in I would feel ok to leave the eglu door open again, but for now they're being shut up at night. Especially if the fox is still around.



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