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Run cleaning

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I use staolsan in the run and i think its really good.


I use hemcore and clean out my run every 3-6 weeks depending on the weather (i.e - if its wet - I clean it out more).


I poo pick daily and find this helps to keep the run clean. On run clean out days I remove all the hemcore and then sprinkle stalosan on the base of the run and put fresh hemcore over the top.


I sometimes use stalosan in between cleans when the run has got a bit wet (rain) and sprinkle it and brush it in.


I dont think there's any rule on how often you need to clean out your run - your nose will soon tell you when it needs doing! :wink::D

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I do pretty much the same as Chelsea, but use Aubiose instead of woodchip.


I love the smell odf Stalosan, and it works well.


we roughly do the same, depends on the weather can be anything from 2-3 weeks.

we use stalosan and i hate the smell, we use aubiose, i love the smell of the red mite powder :oops:

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I would like to keep my ex-batts as organically as possible - does anyone know if Stalosan can fit in with that? The video on the stalosan website makes it look like something out of a science fiction movie. www.vitfoss.com/Products/Stalosan+video ... +video.htm



Im not too sure,...all I know it that its a special livestock powder that helps eliminate disease. its suitable for all livestock and is harmless to both animals and humans.

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hello there Chelsae - please can I just ask, how do you poo-pick ??? Do you have an eglu run ? It is not like you can crawl inside or anything ... I move mine to clean out weekly, it is just on (what is left of) grass. I have got some hemcore and auboise but am not sure how I would then move the run to clean it if I laid this down.....

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.......... or retrieve a stubbon child who has decided that he's gonna live with the chickens




That made me smile - mine would live with them if he could!




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hello there Chelsae - please can I just ask, how do you poo-pick ??? Do you have an eglu run ? It is not like you can crawl inside or anything ... I move mine to clean out weekly, it is just on (what is left of) grass. I have got some hemcore and auboise but am not sure how I would then move the run to clean it if I laid this down.....




I dont have an eglu run anymore, we have our walk in run ( I should have explained :roll: ). So I go in daily with a bucket and a trowel and pick out the poo, I find it quite addictive trying to spot the poos amongst the hemcore!! :lol:


Im sure people on here with eglu runs poo pick aswell though. :D

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