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Do you just plonk the slabs onto the grass or do you do it like a proper patio and dig down and put hardcore then sand down and the slabs on top of that?


Also what slabs do you use? Are the cheap ones at B&Q ok? Do you put anything in the gaps between the slabs?


Do you then just sprinkle your hemcore/wood chips ontop of the slabs and if so how thick.


Sorry for all the questions :oops:

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I have the eglu run on paving slabs which Dad laid down for me! He levelled the ground and put down some sharp sand, not a lot, just a sprinkling, and laid them down so the edges of the slabs met neat to one another.


Then you put the eglu run over the slabs and chuck in 2-3 small tubtrug-fulls of auboise etc.

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Do you just plonk the slabs onto the grass or do you do it like a proper patio and dig down and put hardcore then sand down and the slabs on top of that?


Also what slabs do you use? Are the cheap ones at B&Q ok? Do you put anything in the gaps between the slabs?


Do you then just sprinkle your hemcore/wood chips ontop of the slabs and if so how thick.


Sorry for all the questions :oops:


was just a thought! have you looked on freecycle? its on yahoo, but its a site where items that are unwanted are offered free of charge (you have to collect) if they are unwanted, therefore preventing landfill sites being filled with reusable things! (just for those who havent heard of it befor)

I got 40 slabs from it and intend to use that for the run.......



hope that helps?




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Do you just plonk the slabs onto the grass or do you do it like a proper patio and dig down and put hardcore then sand down and the slabs on top of that?


I got someone to plonk them for me....onto an area that was bare earth.


Also what slabs do you use? Are the cheap ones at B&Q ok? Do you put anything in the gaps between the slabs?


I used some old ones that were lying around the garden. I'm sure the cheap B&Q ones will be fine.


I asked the chap doing the job to leave 1/4 inch gaps so that water could drain away when I was jet washing them, but not wide enough for rats to tunnel in.


Do you then just sprinkle your hemcore/wood chips ontop of the slabs and if so how thick.


Yes. :lol: An inch or 2.


Sorry for all the questions :oops:

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Thank you for all your replies. Very helpful. When I get the chooks on Sunday I shall be popping them onto the grass and moving it often (luckily I have a bigish garden) but I know that we will need something more permenant for the winter or they will end up bogged down. I just need to work out where would be best for them.


Emma I think my husband is registered on freecycle so I shall get him to take a look for me. I also need a composter so I guess it might be also worth looking on there for one of those too.

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Thank you for all your replies. Very helpful. When I get the chooks on Sunday I shall be popping them onto the grass and moving it often (luckily I have a bigish garden) but I know that we will need something more permenant for the winter or they will end up bogged down. I just need to work out where would be best for them.

Emma I think my husband is registered on freecycle so I shall get him to take a look for me. I also need a composter so I guess it might be also worth looking on there for one of those too.


our run get boggy, i feel horrid with them plodding about in it, as a temp job i throw sand down, seems to de stogg it for a lil bit!

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