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lights for all chicken houses

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:shock: please i am a bit confused to if i should purchase a lightsforall chicken house, the actual dimentians seem to be aproproate however i do not no if it is really suitable fof the 6 chickens i hope to get. :?

please if anyone has ever purchased the same house can i have some advice whether it would be suitable and not a big scam and fall apart after 6 weeks! :oops:


thanks for your help

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How about converting a shed then you'd have no worries about the size or quality issue. I have 8 girls in a 6ft x 4ft shed and could easily fit quite a few more in. There are some pics of my setup in my signature link and if you would like to see internal photos of the shed I could take some today.

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Looking at the picture, I would say:

a) It looks awkward to clean - you can't fuilly acccess one side of it, just through those doors? It's much easier if you can completely access the inside, e.g. with a lift-down panel.

b) Is there only one nest-box? I would say that isn't enough for six birds, you really want at least 2 for that number of chickens

c) What is it like inside? I mean, you want smooth ply not overlap board inside the house. This is because red mite will find lots of nooks and crannies to live in if it's that "tongue and groove" effect inside.

d) Personally I like houses that are off the ground enough that the chickens can use the area underneath as part of their run, also discourages vermin from nesting underneath, and easier to access for egg collection/ cleaning etc.

It looks robust and a nice house, though, and there are certainly plenty worse out there! But as I said, I've never used one or seen one for real.

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