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My broody laid an egg!

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So does that mean I should take her away from the chicks then? The chicks are 6 weeks old and so far she's showing no signs of wanting to come out. I've put her and the cheepy chicks in their eglu inside the walk in run so they can start getting used to the big girls prior to introductions. Don't know what made me check just now but Speckle's laid an egg so I guess that's her way of telling me she's getting ready to move on then? Any ideas guys?


Mrs B


Edited to say I'm half inclined to get her out now and let her free range with the big girls who are all out at the minute. What d'you reckon?

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Well, in any case, I took her out and let her free range with the others - much feather pecking and shouting and squawking ensued :roll: but she's gone to be with the big girls and my chicks are now motherless. I feel quite sad for them, Speckle on the other hand doesn't actually seem to have remembered the last 9 weeks she's spent nursing her brood and has gone to bed without a backward glance, the chicks look a little forlorn but I'm sure they'll be fine.


Mrs B

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oh bless her! she's obviously had enough of the sprogs, wants a decent glass of wine and conversation about Men, what was on TV last night, and not to be called Muuuuuuuummmmm every 10 seconds!


There's someone speaking my language! :lol: In fact, I nearly took a picture just now when I shut them in, all five snuggled up together, but I thought I wouldn't disturb them. I might try and get one tomorrow, if I do it now they'l be blinded by the flash!!


Mrs B

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