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Now lump on leg....

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Posted a few days ago re limping hen, but she seems to be hop walking really and prefers to sit to eat and wont bother if its too difficult. :(

I am rather concerned for our beautiful hen.

She has been given Baytril and Metacam (anti inflam) and has been on these since Friday, but there has been no improvement at all.


She was first seen fo a peck to the side of her face that was getting nasty -and although this has scabbed over the whole area around the injury is big and swollen. 2 days after that she started limping - but the vet (thank goodness a friend)couldnt find a thing wrong with her leg. It is not broken.

However, I have just had another thorough look (will lay on her back on my lap for me to fiddle with her leg for 5 mins bless) and have noticed a small swelling on the inside of her thigh that is not on the other leg. Could it be this??

She can perch I've noticed but is a bit wobbly.

Mareks disease was mentioned but I have no experience of this but it apparently causes tumours and lameness ? Anyone have any clues? ( She is a miniature Wyandotte and probably did not get vaccinations)


Sorry for blabbing on but she is really lovely and currently sitting on my lap telling me what to write.


She sleeps in a box at night in the kitchen (until the scab is unpeckable) and goes into the run with the other girls but in the safety of an old dog crate with food and water. Is there anything else I can do??? Feeling pretty useless right now.


Does anyone have any thoughts on this...


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Hi there Troy :D


Well hasnt the little chickie landed on its feet having a home with you? :wink::lol:


Not too sure about the lump but its always best to get these checked out ASAP. (Good job your friend is a vet!) :wink:


Do you think she could have been stung or bitten? :?

Is the lump red or inflamed, on the top or under the surface of the skin? :?

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Still no better today and with all that anti inflam...Thanks for your reply Emma.

Lump/swelling seems to be under the skin (the one on her leg) and I can pinch it. Thats not red as far as I can see...maybe it is a chipped bone but it doesnt feel like it at all....

The swelling on her face I assume is the reaction to the pecking but even that hasnt reduced. Its a mystery and its probably ridiculous that its geting me down. I guess I will have to make a decision if this continues... :(

Many thanks


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