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I cannot believe how quickly he has grown,I had to work this weekend and swear he doubled in size when I was away.I have had to take him and Blanch out of hamster cage, Percy cannot stand up in it anymore, and put them into a big plastic crate :shock: . Got an old fridge shelf across top. Boy can they jump, and poo!!. Have been giving them grass and lettuce soup as a treat every morning, are there any suppliments to their feed, or worming stuff I have to do as well?. Knew what I needed to do for my adult ducks, but these ducklings are a new experience for me. A really good experience :D:D:D

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SO glad they're coming along well.


I've never given suppliments before but that isn't to say you shouldn't. We just gave them duck crumb and they ate grass and foraged for bugs while they were out and about.


Our ducklings are due tomorrow and although mummy has spent most of the last few days in there, I'm not convinced they'll hatch. fingers crossed though!!

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Fingers crossed Caroline :D , Hope all goes well. Got 6 Aylsbury eggs in incubator at the moment, heard so many stories about the friendliness of this breed, still love my Runners though. Runners bring a smile to our face, just watched them falling over their feet and panicing when they could not see me. Did not want them to imprint on me, but I will have to work that out. X Moyna

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