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Anti-Peck Rings vs Bumper Bits

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Has anyone used either? A bumper bit didn't work on my ex-batt as she'd been debeaked so couldn't eat. Luckily I think the problem is now over after some solitary and Babs botty is healed. But I thought I'd get some Anti-Peck rings handy in case of any further naughtiness. (Like the ones from domestic fowl trust)

Do you reckon I'd have more success?

Opinions please?

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I have only used bumper bits, and find they work very well.


I did not choose to try the anti-peck ring for two reasons:


(1) I read somewhere that it was only suitable for younger hens


(2) it does not have a bumper to prevent stabbling with the beak, but only has the bit element.

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I didn't realise there were two types. :shock:


Well, I have the ones from the Domestic Fowl Trust. I currently have them on two chooks, the gingernut and the cream legbar both around a year old.


I put them on because they were quite violently attacking my broody, Doris whenever i took her out of the nesting box.


The difference was instant and harmony has restored in my 'flock.' Doris stopped her broody phase within a day - I did think she was only doing it half- heartedly.(sp :roll: )


It took me a while to gather up the courage to put them on - I had my not so helpful husband muttering that it was cruel, but the day we did it he had just witnessed an attack and I went and got them out there and then - even he would say now it was the best thing to do. :)

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Well I tried the bumper bit for your reason Gallina but because of the debeaking she couldn't eat. (Could still draw blood with a stumpy beak though) So am wondering if the rings will stop that?


Helen&Lee a bumper bit looks like this




Anti-peck ring like this (Image from Lucy 'cluckface' post)



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You're probably right about the Domestic Fowl Trust only selling the rings --everyone who uses bumper bits seems to get them from Wernlas.


I have found a picture of one of my hens wearing a bumper bit:



They are all so cheap I would get both and see what works for you. One thing I prefer about the bumper bit (apart from the bumper, of course) is that the hen can almost close its mouth because the bit is flat. The ring seems fatter.

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