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2 chickeny questions please

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I have 2 questions if you don't mind helping me..



1, I am off on hols for a week soon and so there will be no free ranging for the girls. At the mo they have from 3hours to all day in the garden so they are used to alot of time out of the run. Today we have added a converter and extention to the run so they do have lots of room now while confined. My question is this....should I free range them less on the lead up to the holiday to get them used to being inside the run?



and q 2, I have some wood from trees we have cut back to make perches with, the wood is of varying widths but I was wondering how wide a perch should be for a chicken.



Thank you.

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well this is not based on any actual knowledge you understand since you are now a level up from me on the chicken keeping but, I was goping to let my hgirls out today for the first time, I then decided against it as I though if we wait till after the holiday they won't be trying to escape when my mum goes to feed them etc.

Are you leaving the eglu door open while you are away, it was my plan to leave the cube door open but I have'nt done it yet.

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I have a friend coming in the morning to open before she goes to work and a friend coming in the evening to close. I am too scared about the foxes to let it stay open although I think there may be one night when no one can come to close up so maybe there will be one night with it left open.


Thats the thing with letting them out, the girls love it so much and hang about by the door to be let out as often as poss. I did plan not to free range them at all till after the holidays but as they were only in a standard run until today I felt they should come out as it was too small for them.


I am going to tell my friends to make sure the food is in and water topped up before opening so she doesn't have barging chickens (my PP will barge past me if she can)

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Re: free ranging before your holiday, either don't let them out at all or carry on as before - it'll only amke a difference if they forget about going outseide the run to play (which IMO is unlikely).

Re: the perch, 3.5cm as already said, also they shouldn't be round - i.e. they should be flat on top with rounded-off edges, the cross-section being like a rectangle with curves rather than corners. Perfectly round things hurt their feet (e.g. broom handles etc) over time. Am assuming it's for perches to use overnight? also need to remove all bark etc and smoooth them down so no splinters and no red mite.

If its just to play in the run, then wouldn't really matter as will be using them much less of the time, so long as they can't get splinters.

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1, I am off on hols for a week soon and so there will be no free ranging for the girls. At the mo they have from 3hours to all day in the garden so they are used to alot of time out of the run. Today we have added a converter and extention to the run so they do have lots of room now while confined. My question is this....should I free range them less on the lead up to the holiday to get them used to being inside the run?



Hello :)


Ours were free-ranging a lot before we went away and managed fine stuck in the run while we were gone. They had a perch and the woodchip and a dustbath to play in. I advised my friend to sprinkle mealworms up near the eglu when she needed to open the run door (we left the eglu door open for the week) and she said she had no trouble with them at all.

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Might be a good idea to make them stay in the run every morning so they aren't free ranging all day. Although they should be fine either way.


I have a bit of thin 1" tree branch poked in between the bars for them to sit on in the run during the day.


A dust bath is good too whilst you are away. Old cat litter tray or trug tub with some dry garden earth (but keep it dry under a shade).


Mine have a small log to jump on and off too. But not too big as to take up room in the run.


Not necessary at all but for my pampered chooks I ordered a spare grub/glub set so it was easier for my sister (who was pregnant at the time) to ensure chooks had loads of water and feed.

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Thank you for all the advice. I have a tub trug here and have bought some dark compost and kiddies sand to make a dust bath (the other day they made one under a tree and they were so happy they were what sounded like purring :shock: soooo cute! and shall get the pirches in.

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