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the girls mum

one girl broody the other not laying help

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Hi ,we have had 2 light sussex bantams for over a year.They have been laying quite consistently until about 3 weeks ago.Tilly has definately gone broody as she stays in the eglu most of the day but is still laying an egg,but Maisy hasn't laid an egg for almost a fortnight but is feeding,eating and pooing fine. They both seem happy and there is no sign of worms or mites but I am baffled as to what may have happened to Maisy to cause her to stop laying.They have a small amount of treats late afternoon and show no signs of moulting.

Please help. Any ideas would be gratefully received.


The girls mum...Maisy and Tilly

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Welcome to the forum.


Have they been wormed recently? A cargo of worms can stop them laying.


I'd give them a course of Flubenvet if they haven't been wormed.


Also have you checked them for lice and mites, which could also be the cause of the problem.


Have a dekko **here** at this useful article from the FAQ section.

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Hi,I have checked them for mites etc and there are no signs at the base of their feathers etc. The house is regularly dusted with mite powder.

They have not been wormed since we had them....I do keep a check on the poo from the tray and it has remained the same and there is no sign of worms.

But maybe I ought to worm just as a precaution.What do you recommend and is it easy to do....ie can I buy something to put in their feed or water ???

Many thanks


the girls mum


Maisy and Tilly

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