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Depends on its age and breed.


If they are mature, the cockerel will crow....all day long, and the hens will lay eggs. :D:wink:


Cockerels tend to be heftier, with much bigger wattles and combs and a more elaborate tail.


The hackle feathers will be pointed too instead of round at the ends.


Some breeds are easily distinguised as the plumage and colours are different.

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Depends on its age and breed.


If they are mature, the cockerel will crow....all day long, and the hens will lay eggs. :D:wink:


Cockerels tend to be heftier, with much bigger wattles and combs and a more elaborate tail.


The hackle feathers will be pointed too instead of round at the ends.


Some breeds are easily distinguised as the plumage and colours are different.


It is approx 14 weeks old, has no comb yet but is much larger than the other hen of the same age with much bigger legs. What age will it become clearer

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Don't lose hope yet. My Cobar has legs like tree-trunks, and I was sure she was a boy until she started laying eggs.


The comb and wattles are a good sign: are they bigger than those of the others? (I think I have a Blue Cochin boy: her comb and wattles are too big for an eight-week-old.)


A picture would help.

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