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How many eggs a week?

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I thought chooks only laid 6 a week? Mine have been laying every day for 10 days now, is that usual?


I think my remaining GNR may be coming into lay, she keeps going in and out of the nesting box, which she doesn't normaally do, unless she is looking for her sister :(

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Only two of my five are laying.


And not the two that I'd expected.


The other three have been in and out of the cube and my patience is going!


The two that are laying are two days on one day off. They are only on their 5th and 2nd egg though.


Geraldine is in there right now squeezing out her second one.


Maybe you have got magic chickens?

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I thought that they had a day off every week but they don't. Pearl lays for 10 days then has a day off, Opal's longest stretch is 31 days and a day off and Ruby managed 50 days and then had 2 days off and laid 2 eggs a day for the next 2 days :shock: One was a softie but the other 3 were normal size.


Must apologise for my ramblings :oops: I am an egg anorak, I weigh, name and date each egg and keep a chart! :oops::lol:

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My name is ANH and I'm an egg anorak too :oops: .


Maisie has only had 7 egg-less days since 1st January :shock: . She has had 5 softies too but they're still eggs!


I've just checked for Milly and she's only had 10 egg-less days!


Molly's not far behind except for her broody spell when she didn't lay for 13 days :roll: .


I was amazed in the beginning that they laid every single day, but it doesn't seem that uncommon.

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My two that lay eggs lay every day apart from when one went broody and she started again within 2 weeks.


Yes I am an anorak and I'm actually worrying about whether my daughter will keep the chart going whilst I'm on holiday :? Oh dear, I am probably in the sad category now....

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