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we were given pigeon grit by the supplie :) r . thought it was quite big but if a pigeon can manage to eat it ... we got told to mix a wee bit with thier chopped maize every couple of days or so and use it as a scatter feed in the afternoon . it has oyster shell in it too and the girls are thriving . if they're freeranging like mine they should be gettting plenty naturally .

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I bought some oyster shell from a pet shop and it was too large and mine wouldn't eat it. You could smash it up with a hammer.


Mine have grit in one of those budgie pots from the pet shop permanently in the run. It does go down in Summer even with mostly all day free ranging, but in Winter they sometimes get through a handful a day.


I use Mixed Poultry Grit from Country Wide Farmers (£6 for 25kg sack) and it's got soluble shell in it too. But I do bake egg shells and crush them to add too and the girls pick those out first.




As soon as I moved the pot out of the shade to take a picture, they all flocked over for a peek.



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