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Tips on moving rablu please????

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Maybe it's me, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to move our rablu. It's on grass with the mesh floor underneath and we move it weekly to a new spot. Is it not meant to be moved or are you supposed to remove the run every time before you move it? Trying to lift the whole thing, drag out the mesh flooring and then replace it underneath in the new area is, I find, really difficult.


Plus, is there any easy way to lift the rablu? No areas to grip or handles................ I do love the look of it but in practical terms, it aint the easiest to manoeuvre. I appreciate that perhaps most people have their rablu on a permanent spot but what about those of us who don't? Any advice gratefully received. I know I must be doing something wrong !!

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I pick mine up by the run - at the door end - and just drag it. It is easier if I have help to lift the eglu too - by gripping the top shell where it end near the base at the back, but I can manage on my own.


I agree with the grass problem too, it just grow through at the moment and makes it hard to get the thing moving to start with!

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I lock the rabbits in the house then I pick mine up above the run door and swing it round.


I then get hubbie to pick up the underfloor wire and he puts it under whilst I lift the run and then put it down on top. I can do it singlehanded but it's quicker with help.


I added more of the new clips recently under the door and it has made it easier to move as it is more rigid.

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