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Guest Prim HenMum

Specific Carbohydrate diet

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I don't suppose there is anyone on this forum that is doing the SCD? My daughter has been on it for about a month - she has CD, and she feels it is helping her. She is quite a fussy eater, and we have not found any bread substitute that she finds paletable. Just wondering if there is anyone who has a yummy SCD bread recipe that is not all almond 'flour'?

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She has Crohn's Disease. SCD like many of these things, originates in America. Its totally grain-free - they suggest that nut flour (almond for its mild flavour) is substituted. Almond flour is slightly oily, and baking powder, is not allowed either, or yeast - or quite a lot of other things actually (milk, anything tinned, yeast, starchy veg including potatoes, chocolate, sugar, lots of preservatives....) I dont go for extremes usually, but she tried it and feels it helps. But of course, you can't make bread without flour. (Just as you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs - but EGGS ARE ALLOWED - HURRAH!)

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She will be 20 in a fortnight. I'm afraid soya is on the SCD 'illegal' list. She's getting along quite well with the diet really - she can have things like grilled meat and any veg, and a kind of crumble or biscotti can be made out of ground almonds, but she will be back at uni soon, and she is used to making herself a sandwich for lunch and there really is not close alternative to bread!

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I have been following the Atkins Nutritional Plan for a couple of weeks now and find it so easy. Lunch can be cold meat, tinned fish, eggs or cheese with some salad, or a flask of home made soup. Nuts, cheese or some veg sticks as snacks. No need for sandwiches.


It's no hardship for me, I'm not a big sandwich fan. I love tasty wholesome bread, but I don't think it agrees with me and feel better if I avoid it.


Dinner is casserole or fried, grilled, roast meat, fish etc. with some nice veggies. No potatoes, rice or pasta.


It definitely agrees with me. I've done it before and gone back to my old carb ways though, I don't know why but admit that I'm sure I will again. I think the lure of some of the "disallowed foods" was just too strong.

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