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the hopefulls

what chickens eat?

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Hi Everyone, we've had our girls for 4 and a half weeks and still waiting for our 1st egg :cry: , but we're wondering if their diet plays a big part in egg laying?

Ours girls have access to pelletts all day and we let them free range for a good few hours most days, they have plenty of water, and to get them back in their run they get a bribe.

The only treats they really seem to love are all corn based, can chickens have to much corn or will they only eat what they want? They also seem to like the sunflower hearts the birds drop from the feeder. (can be quite funny to watch :lol: )

We have tried mash mixed with different veg and things like that but they just turn there beaks up at it all.

Should they be having some sort of better diet or does this sound ok?

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You don't say how old your chickens are. It is probably just that they're a bit young to lay. Are they squatting yet when you approach them? That's usually the best sign that they're coming into lay. Pellets and freeranging sounds fine, with the odd small treat to get them in. Don't give them too much in the way of treats once they start laying as it tends to make for soft-shelled eggs. Look forward to hearing about your first egg!

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