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(cube blue) New owner,s off chickens info be aware small gardens will require a fixed section of fenced in area for free range use.

Reasons being with small children(twins under 2 and 1 under 4 years)they love getting in the cube penned area result being they will be covered in chicken poo! no quick access as no easy way off getting then out and I have found out chickens poo a lot!

Since having the cube delivered on the 13/08/08 it has not stopped raining and the whole garden is a mess(free range) in more ways then one.

Also you will spend more money as after getting the cube with feed, 2 x chickens Miss Pepper Pot and Ginger Nut Ranger etc, Next day went to Cotswold chickens 3 x chickens Amber Lee, Speckled Star, Daiseybelle + cider vinegar,feed scoop,corn mix bag,red mite powder etc

2 weeks later another water bowl,shell grit bag they have had lots of other treats fresh greens(as have eaten plants)children also seem to like chicken feed.

Almost used the 30 day money back return by Omlet (due to other half having to clean children)

In conclusion small gardens will need a fenced in area so chickens cannot free range in all the garden space(if no small kids will maybe not apply)my task this weekend to fence in area so more money to spend.

[b]CHICKENS RULE they are such a laugh! they will eat your garden,wreck your lawn,start laying 2-3 weeks after getting them,but you will have the best eggs ever,and beats the telly for entertainment any day off the week![/b]

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CHICKENS RULE they are such a laugh! they will eat your garden,wreck your lawn,start laying 2-3 weeks after getting them,but you will have the best eggs ever,and beats the telly for entertainment any day off the week!


Have watched mine all day too (and I've had mine 16 months so you would think the novalty would have worn off by now).


Welcome to the forum and hello to your new (ish) chooks.


Shame about this horrid weather. But even so, I expect you will find you are in the garden more now. Life BC (before chickens) I never went in the garden in the Winter except on windy washing days. Last winter I was in and out checking on chickens, letting them free range, feeding, collecting eggs. Never used my garden so much....... :D


Have fun and welcome to the world of chickens.


PS. Mine live behind Omlet netting too. (more expense but it's good stuff).

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We are pretty lucky hope I not speaking too soon! . Our children are quite a bit older so no risk of getting in run with chickens. We got small garden and they free range all of it bar an area which is the gated driveway. If they get down there they get very naughty and start eating my fuschias!!

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