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Hi, I need some urgent advice. I've got flies everywhere. I've done everything recommended regarding cleaning out the Eglu and run but I've still got flies everywhere. They seem to be attracted to chicken poo outside of the run but are obviously around the run as well. I've moved the run and eglu to another part of the garden but I still need some advice ow I can get rid of the flies from my garden please?

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I use the flitraps and they work very well for me. I have placed them away from the cube and it is working very well. They are full already.


I also sprinkle stalsan F into their run which is also good.


Some people sprinkle citronella in the poo trays or on a piece of tissue and put up under the shade.



I did notice that there are an awfull lot of flies about today, so have just got in from cleaning poo trays and putting stalosan f in the aubiose in the run.


I blast the poos that are out of the run with the hose at the end of the day or I just rake them into the borders.


Hope this helps.


Best wishes

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Flitraps are fab, but emptying it just looked too nasty with maggots and stuff crawling about. I put sticky tape over the holes, sealed it in a freezer bag and put the whole thing in the freezer to kill everything off - much nicer to empty then when it de-frosts and doesn't smell so much as it kills of the bacteria:D I'm now trying a plastic milk bottle with holes drilled in the sides - seems to work the same :D

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Hello Dave and welcome to the forum. How long have you had your chickens?


When my girls free range the lawn, I poop pick at the end of the day and shove it in the compost bin. Or you can blast them with a hosepipe until they disintegrate into the grass (but I only really do that in the Summer).


Inside the run, I don't know what you have as a set up. But it can be difficult to poop pick inside or move it regularily. So I use Auboise (or Hemcore) which is horse bedding made from hemp, straight on the ground in the run. It soaks up poos and helps reduce flies. Only needs raking over and replacing once a month. Run must be covered though. However, if you stick to one spot grass will die underneath (but that doesn't worry me).


Flytraps - I've used them but others on this forum highly recomend them.


Few drops of Citronella oil in the poo tray or even dabbed on some kitchen roll and tucked somewhere high and dry in the run will help deter flies too.

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With regards to emptying, you can buy these adaptor things of ebay that are basically a flitrap lid that allows you to convert a 2 litre milk bottle into a fly trap. Then when full you just put the original milk lid on and throw in the bin, much nicer! :D

these ones are the way to go. I must try this stalsan F.

I had this prob last year pre cxhooks, am a fastidious dog pooh rtemooves. thgink this stalsan F may help break the cycle too.

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I use Citronella and find it's great. :D


I transfer the small bottles of Citronella into a spray bottle, add a little water to dilute it slightly, then spray it on the poo trays and around the run.


If you have a small terracotta pot, turn it upside down, drop some concentrated Citronella on the base of it and place in your run, I find that is a good deterant too. :D

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