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Making Layers Mash

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Either. :D


Most folk serve it as it is...it comes as a sort of flakey dryish meal.


You can serve it warm by adding cooled boiled water to it so that it becomes porridgey.


I prefer to give my girls pellets as mash is very messy. I only give it to any invalids to boost them a bit as they do seem to like it.

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You can also make chicken Porridge just from pellets as well as layers mash. I do this as it saves me having to buy two different products. Pour lots of hot water over pellets and leave them sat there for 10 mins to swell up, also gives time to cool. Then stir and serve.

:D = happy chooks.

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Mine have mash porridge every morning and a little bit before they go to bed. I make it with warm water and sometimes I chuck a few raisins in there as they love them. Yesterday I boiled the veg peelings, pureed them and put them in with the mash. They went absolutely mad and scoffed the lot in record time.


I used to give them pellets, since I started giving them the mash they've gone off the pellets a bit - though they're still there as "snacks". They much prefer the mash. They also have treats, like a corn on the cob on a string in their run to peck at, and yesterday I gave them a few pieces of chopped peach to try and they seemed to enjoy them (though not as much as mash!)

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I've been making this out of pellets to dissuade them from pecking the newbies.


Pellets, hot water, chicken spice, bit of garlic powder, and porridge oats.


Geraldine had her head in the bowl for most of the day ... less time for her to peck the newbies.


Between the 8 of them they scoffed two dog bowls worth today.

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