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chicken won't stand!

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One of my chickens seems very poorly and I don't know what to do to help her. I'm hoping someone will have some good ideas. 'SKYE' has started staying in the chicken run nearly all of the time. Even Ist thing in the morning when I let out the others to be fed. She just sits on a log looking sad. If my daughter coaxes her out with corn she walks very stiffly and then sits down, has a little to eat, and then stays put while the others eat all the corn. She use to run around, sunbath and dust bath etc so its so sad to see her like this. At night she manages to get into the cube but stays in the eggport by herself. This has been a gradual process which I didn't pick up on straight away. I feel like a bad Mum. Help any ideas please.



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Sorry to hear your chooks unwell.


As Laura says check her crop for sour or impacted.


Also, egg bound or softie coming.


Has she been like this for long or has it just come on?


Also need to consider sterile peritonitus.


If you do a search of the symptoms you may come up with what the problem is.


Hope all goes well for you.


Best wishes

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Hi again,


Thanks for the tips. I haven't wormed her recently but didn't think that was the problem


but I'll worm her just in case. Someone also suggested lime flour to get more calcium into


her. I'll give these ago and see what happens. She does eat corn out of my hand and she


had some grapes today (she loved them) :P so I keep an eye on her for a few more days.


Fingers crossed :anxious:



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