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Do eggs need to be cleaned?

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When the egg is new laid, it is covered in a wet substance - it dries almost instantly and gives the shell a protective coating. As said above, washing removes this coating and allows bacteria to penetrate the shell. I don't think supermarket eggs are cleaned, although you can buy special solutions for cleaning eggs. If you do have to wash them, use water hotter than the egg (cold water causes the contents to contract and pull bacteria into the shell).

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If you do wash them, surprisingly, you should use warm water as not cold, as cold water causes he contents of the egg to shrink away from the inside of the porous shell, enabling bacteria to enter.


Don't soak eggs in water...a quick dip and dry is best.


To help avoid dirty eggs, gather them twice daily and tidy the nest box daily. Change the nesting material completely at least weekly.

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WRT supermarket eggs, the Defra site says that Class A eggs must not be washed as they are to come from a clean environment in the first place (not chook friendly, but clean, ho hum!)but Class B eggs can be washed.


When my dad worked on a farm as a kid 50 years ago, all the eggs were washed.


I have to wipe the poo off the eggs with a paper towel most days, because I've one hen who insists on sleeping in the nest box and she always soils it. I tried keeping a plantpot or ball in the nestbox, but when i came to remove it in each morning there was a crushed egg on the roosting bars. I figured an egg I wipe with paper towel is the better than no egg at all!


Anna, your OH made me laugh. Suggest he re-channel all that cleanliness to the bathroom or the laundry, perhaps?


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