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Petula has gapeworm

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She's (fingers crossed) starting to improve a little. Just dosed her with Baytril as per vet's instructions and she's having a lovely big drink at the mo. I do hope she makes it. Perversely she was the strongest out of all the rescue girls - Dusty and Cilla were much lighter and balder (but not now!). We're now dosing the other girls with Flubenvet just in case. The vet said she'd seen lots of chickens this week, and blames the increase of parasite based disease on the bad weather/lack of cold winter. I think she might have something there :(:shock:

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Petula seems to be getting over it (we hope!) :D . She's not liking having the syringe anywhere near her now, which we take to be a good sign! Only bad thing is that Cilla has dropped with the same symptoms, which we're now treating with double dose Flubenvet. She's picking up a lot, but still coughing too much for my liking.


The vet says the influx of gapeworm is due to damp conditions in the ground (especially if you have long grass where the chickens free-range), lack of UV light (kills the worms off) and warmer than average conditions (we need a cold snap to kill all these beasties off!). Also known as the Great British Summer for the last two years...


So, please, please, for the sake of your girls, get some Flubenvet and worm your girls now, whether you let them free range for days, hours or minutes. They will, in all likelihood, have been exposed, and the symptoms that result from this are just not worth the stress of the girls, or you!


This info needs to go to a masterclass I think! :shock::D

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