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Quickest way of snapping a chicken out of broodiness?

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Betty has been broody for nearly 2 weeks. To be fair, I haven't really done a huge amount to snap her out of it other than:


putting a football in the nesting box (causing problems for the other two girls who have laid in the run for the last 2 days);


shutting the broody hen out of the run and the others in until they have laid - Betty gets very frustrated trying to get in and the others trying to get out and;


leaving the run door open but shutting the door to the eglu once the others have laid.


I'm contemplating putting her in a cat carrier tomorrow for a couple of days but not sure whether ours is really big enough - I may go and look at a dog carrier.


Anyway, when broodiness starts again next time, what is the fastest way to stop it so I know what to do straight away?

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Our reverse sussex was broody on and off for about 2 weeks and I was getting a bit tired of it. So what we did was that every night we would push her away from the nest and put a flower pot in for the night. Then was a weekend and she got 2 cold baths, look here http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=2ph7TDoOePs and by monday she was out of it ;-).

Ice packs did not work, she just defrosted them by her bum :-D


She tends to get broody every now and then and so when I see her sitting on eggs, I put the flower pot in ASAP and that seems to work.

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One of my chickens got broody a week after she started laying, and we tried everything, flowerpot (she kicked it out) icecubes, again kicked out, so we dunked her in water (not ice cold but not warm) and after 2 dunkings she was back to her old self! Be prepared for a very moody chicken, I still dont think Sage has forgiven us for the bath yet!

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