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Twilight books (and Movie!!)

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I'm Lisa's favourite ever daughter 8)


I got twilight about a year ago and totally fell in love.

Since then I've read all 4 and basically forced all my friends into reading the books.


Tbh, I think Twilight is the best out of all 4 of them so far, but they're all amazing.

I can't wait for the film, but I doubt it'll be any good compared to the books.

They'd better not have cut any of the good bits out [The meadow and the hospital!]


I was so annoyed when I found out the 5th book is postponed indefinitely though :(

I just hope it turns out to be worth the wait. :mrgreen:




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Yay!! I have found a fellow twilighter!! At last lol!! I think that the first and fourth are the best. TBH I only read the second and third books because it was neccessary to understand the last one.


I can't believe the idiots that posted the fifth book on the Internet. Still it has to come out sometime I suppose lol. I cant wait for the movie either!! Yay!


Kitbag xxxxxxxxxx :wink:

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