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help i dont know what to do

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i hatched 2 silkie's from some hatching eggs but one is a cockeral and 1 is a hen they are both 10 week old and he keeps on pecking her then she hides under the water bowl what shopuld i do get some more hens or should i get rid of him and het more hens im really stuck and feel awful for her she is so timid

thanks aaron :(

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do they have enough space to get away from each other? are you able to seperate them but so that they can still see each other but he can't peck her? obviously making sure they both have access to food and water and are both warm enough etc.


I don't know much about hatching or 10 week old birds as it's not something I've researched or feel competent to do at this point in my chicken keeping career. I don't think it's something I should embark upon without loads of experience, so I haven't done it yet.


Maybe someone with more experience will be along soon.

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