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What's wrong with my Little White Hen

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Hello again folks,


Came home today and my light Sussex is definitely not well. She seems a bit wobbly on her feet, won't eat anything and is drinking loads of water. When I picked her up she dribbled water from her beak. She is still drinking now and it's dark and the others have gone to roost


The others are fine so I'm not sure if she has eaten something she shouldn't (there are no slug pellets or stuff like that in the garden) or if she is crop or egg bound as I'm not clear what I should be looking for. She did have a large poo stuck on her feathers which I cleaned off and couldn't see anything else wrong with her.


They eat layers pellets and have free range in the garden.


Any advice will be gratefully received.





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Sorry to hear about your light Sussex.


As you mentioned dribbling water, my first thought was impacted crop. The fact that water is not 'going down' would indicate this.


Check her crop first thing in the morning and if it is full, then try and get some olive oil into her and gently massage the crop area to loosen the blockage. Water is important too, but try small amounts of oil and massage, as often as you can.


Here is more info for you -




Hope she is better soon


C x

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