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Chicken claw injury

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My hens get these clods of dried muck & Aubiose on their claws ,sometimes developing into really big round clumps.

I have become pretty adept at getting them off gently with some garden clips - not cutting them off,but sort of easing them off.It works well & is done quickly.

However today I was doing Floss, & I had barely even touched it when the whole thing flew off,clod claw & all :shock:

Its left a little spinkey bit of quick, & hasn't bled at all :?

I am concerned about it getting dirty though, so should I cover it up with tape or something?


Also,some of their claws are really,really long. Should I trim them a bit.

I think its because they are on soft ground 24/7,so don't have anything hard to scratch their claws on.

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You couold use Hibiscrub, just a few drops in warm water then wipe on with cotton wool or dip her foot in the solution. You can get it from Chemists.


We also have to trim one of Harriets claws quite reguarly - just nipping the end off with side cutters as normal nail cutters wont get through then gentle use an emery board to file off any rough edges.


If you are not sure how much to clip, take to a vets

We had another hen who caught her nail and it wouldn't stop bleeding - it was awful, blood everywhere. The vet had to use a silver nitrate pencil in the end.


Hope all goes well



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