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Worms - again!

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This has probably been answered again and again but i am worried about my 2 feathered friends!


I wormed both chickens with flubenvet (grape method) as a precaution and made sure they were both treated evenly about mid August 08. Thinking they were both ok (laying daily, healthy looking poos, both are bright eyed and bushy tailed) i stopped worrying about worms. Today i've just noticed that when Barbara pood there was a fine white wriggly bit of string in it - I'm presuming this is a worm.


I presumed that they were ok as treated correctly in August.


Have i missed anything - i have just started on another 7 day flubenvet regime but now worried that this may be too soon to when they were last treated in August.


They are kept in a permanent 12ft x 12ft run - maybe the ground has more worms than i thought. They are let out to free range when home from work for about 1hr most days.


My next plan is to get some garden lime sprinkled in their run.


Is their anything i have missed ??


Thanks in advance

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Why not worm them again, using the recommended method of lplying the Flubenvet to the feed?


The trouble with the grape method is that it is a bit hit and miss in terms of dosage and the hen gets the medication in one go instead of having it spread over the course of the day.


Flubenvet can be administered every three weeks if the hens are ranging on ground with a heavy worm egg load.

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Thanks Eglutine :)


Is there an egg withdrawal period if wormed every 3 weeks?


I will put the flubenvet in their pellet porridge (pellets mixed with water, diatom, garlic powder and bokashi bran), or do they need to have it mixed in dry pellets?


Thanks again :)

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