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Our first loss - caused by hen attack??

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Evening All


Sorry if this makes little sense but just arrived home to a very unpleasant find with the loss of our Dolores. :cry:


We had noticed a few feathers missing from her back over the weekend but we put it down to mites, she had suffered earlier in the summer. In hindsight this may have been a bit naive as she was the only one suffering and I guess mites are more of a problem in warmer weather?


Without wishing to be too graphic Dolores appeared to have most of her insides pulled out and was lying alone in the run. There is absolutely no evidence of any creature breaking into the run so I can only presume that she has been killed by one or more of our others. Is this possible?


If this is the likely cause is it possible that the attacker could turn on the others?


Thanks for any advice anyone can offer

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