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worried about mesh size & safety of my girls.

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As if there is not enough to worry about. :) I have recently got a walk in run from Avaries4u, the specks say it has 19 gauge weldmesh held in place with 20 mm staples

Now having had the Eglu & run with a home made extenrion using similar strenth mesh we were both worried straight away that the mesh wasn't strong enough. WE went to a local seller of runs & found varying thicknesses on chicken runs. :o I feel relly stupid for not checking this out before as I expect we could have asked for 16 gauge which is what every one seems to recommend.

we decided that As it is in our carprt outside our back door that 4 the winter this would be ok, but I could never have them down the end of the garden in the summer, it is quite flimsety really. We needed to modifie it & hubby found the staples NOT 20mm either & started worrying about the gauge more & a neighbour just came around says it is not 16 either. We now have to troop off somewhere to measure against what we have.

Well the quuestion now is do I purchase 16 gauge & go around the outside or even thicker as the omlet one is. (found a puppy pen has wedmes of similar size to omlet run, or is 16 REALLY fox proof? :cry: quite upset really as it is lovely for them to have the space & the worry is spoiling the pleasure. MUST get it RIGHT :!:

And just put a bale of straw in for them to hop up on, & read that thread...

oh woe is me :cry::cry::cry:

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Hi Sandy


We have an aviaries4U run and asked for 16g weldmesh but there are lots on the Omlet forum that have 19g and are happy with it, hopefully someone will be along who has the 19g to advise you.


Not sure about the size of the staples but you should find, if it's the same as the one we have, that he (Tony) has put them VERY close together, therefore making the weldmesh almost impossible to remove, not even by a human - without special tools. I think they are twisty as they go in so should be very secure.


You should find the quality of the run is very good - we had problems with the roof leaking with all the rain in the summer but Tony sorted it out :D


Personally I would take the straw out :? You can put some perches inside instead. :D


If you are not happy with the size of the weldmesh an easy way to re-inforce it would be to staple an extra layer on the outside on the lower half of the run, but of course this is more expense, they are not cheap to start with, although in my opinion they are well made and good quality. :)


Hope this helps, try not to worry :D

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thanks fot the reasurance when you read use 16 and nothing less it is a worry! & they loved the straw, but from the letest thread I will keep an eagle eye & see if it is being eaten or scratched at!

I though keeping chickens was meant to be simple.

not whinging really I just love em to bits so bad I worry so much! Never thought they would get inside your heart so deeply bless em.... even Meany the nasy moo bag!

Just a shock really the big diffenece from Egle top 19 gauge!

trying not to worry

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I think it was me that advised nothing less than 16g! Sorry I didn't mean to worry anyone :anxious:


19g is still strong and many people are happy with it, and Aviaries4U runs are very robust and solid, 19g is their standard. Any type of Weldmesh is definitely a lot better and more fox-proof than chicken wire, that's for sure. :D

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