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Hi All,we have had quite alot of rain for the last few days and was horrified to see that the trays were wet(i put news paper and then sawdust on mine)i began to think that the rain was blowing in the door,i then found that the nesting area was also very wet,i cant see where it is coming in and was worried as the chooks would be chilled by this,so i have cut up a black plastic bag and put it over the top of the cube until i can investigate the problem without getting drowned myself,has anyone out there had the same prob?maybe we put it together wrong but i dont think so(checked the drain holes and they not blocked)HELP.

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There was a problem with leaks in the early Cubes, but this is supposed to have been corrected.


I have been getting a small amount of water in the nesting box when the rain is very fierce, and after spending months trying to work out where it was coming from, I have finally realized that it is getting in through the the top of eggport door entrance.


I have stuffed a strip of old towel along the top ridge which makes the door a really snug fit, and have had no problem since. It stays wedged in and doesn't fall out when I open the door, so I think I can live with this.


The moral of this tale could be to have the eggport door facing north if possible: I think it is the prevailing wind from the south-west that is causing the problem, because no water gets into my Cube that is the other way round.

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My cube is leaking too!!!! Must admit i am a bit frustrated as before i brought it apparently there had been a few problems but had been assured by omlet it had been sorted.


H0wever my cube is leaking in both the egg port and one of the trays. i have been on to omlet and they sent a new egg port door -but its still leaking! After another call to omlet today we have now been asked to supply some photos of where we think its leaking from or just some photos of the cube-so watch this space.


The girls were getting a bit sore even though we keep drying the cube. So today we have gone to millets to get a camping draw sheet to see if we can make some shelter over the cube,um!!!!!


Its so annoying when you have spent so much money for what you think is the best. Sorry for my rant.

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My cube leaked through the eggport door very badly- test yours by pouring a jug of water over the top of the door while the back of the cube is off, & you should see water pouring in- I did.


It took two new sides & two new eggport doors from Omlet to solve the problem, but it is solved now & it is completely dry.

I don't think that the positioning of the door should matter at all, you should be able to site your cube wherever you want it- mine faces east but backs onto a fence & is very sheltered, yet still I had a bad leaking problem.


The newspaper in my poo trays gets wet too sometimes, but I put that down to the girls sometimes having runnier poos than usual, certainly the top of the cube roof & the inside walls stay dry.


Let us know how you get on.


Edited to say that the eggport door is such a tight, snug fit now that my 4 year old can't undo it!

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I do agree that the door fit should be better.


Omlet do care about these leaks, and James himself came to look at mine, but unfortunately I hadn't really worked out where it was coming from at that time.


A strip of old towel stuffed into the top recess did the trick for me, and as it stays in and doesn't show at all, I think I can live with that. I can recommend it as an instant quick fix. Just don't put too much material in, otherwise you won't be able to close the door.


My puddle was extremly small, but my hens loved to lay their eggs in it (after of course washing their dirty feet in it).

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I don't have these problems ... but a bead of silicone sealant would probably do the trick.


When I open my eggport door, a drip does, er, drip onto the poor chook if they are laying dead center. My cube is at a bit of an angle, so it's excusable. Should be fixed if/when the builder drops into the dimension + reality Iam currently residing in and puts together my concrete run.

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