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hilly d

Impacted crop or something else?

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Clarabel's crop seems very hard and full and has been like that for at least the last couple of days possibly rather longer. The weird thing is she seems very perky and is eating, as far as I can tell, normally. She is however losing weight. Could it be an impacted crop or something else?


Any advice very gratefully received.



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Hi it sounds to me as if it is blocked rather than a sour crop which is sqishy like a balloon. try massaging it regularly and give her olive oil. keep a close eye on her weight as if it is blocked she won't be able to digest her food. has she recently been on long grass or eaten anything big that could be stuck, things like the veiny stringy bit of cabbages can cause problems! xx

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Why not try her with some undyed maggots from an angling shop. They are useful as they can bore their way through the blockage. You will need to give her a handful several times a day. They love them.


I would also give her some probiotic yogurt to help prevent sour crop developing.


Olive oil or liquid paraffin and massage may help, so will home made unsweetened apple sauce.

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