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Sarah M

First egg

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Got home after work yesterday to find a perfect, if not small, egg :D . As I picked it out of the egg port and congratulated them both they were going berserk !!!!! Chasing me up and down the garden squawrking, looking happy though :? Have no idea which one laid it, any way of telling :?:

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colour can vary a lot even with the same breed of chook but I think Gingernuts tend to lighter eggs. The only way I found out for sure was seeing my chooks come out of the Eglu and checking straight away. If there was only ne egg in there then chances are it was that chook. You sort it out in the end

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I've got a feeling it's my gingernut that laid it because she has been acting a little bit strange and it was a small egg (I've heard they are smaller from the gingernuts) and it was pale, not dark


Congratulations Sarah (& chooks) - I still love opening the door to the eglu and finding eggs. Makes me smile big time :):):)

Have to say the egg colour is the other way round with my girls. The pepperpot lays pale brown eggs and the gingernut lays darker, larger eggs!! I can also tell by the shape. The pepperpots' tend to be long and pointy and the gingernut's rounder.


May there be loads more eggs :D



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Are either of them showing more 'egg-laying' signs than the other?


If one has a darker, larger comb then you could give her the credit. Similarly, if one of them crouches and opens their wings then that is usually a good sign of laying.




You'll work it out eventually!



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Well, the pepperpot was the first to show signs of wanting to lay but the gingernut started sleeping in the nest part of the Eglu, but having said that, the pepperpot just kicked her out of the nest part and slept there herself ! It is a small round egg, not pointed at all and it is pale. have to say, I'll probably never know........

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