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Airfix & other model kits

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My FIL has dozens and dozens of Airfix and other types of model kits, all unmade & some unopened. They are all fairly old and some may potentially be rare and collectible.


Does anybody know how you'd go about finding out what they're worth and where you could sell them? I've had a look on Ebay and there seems to be quite a market for them but presumably there are dealers in this kind of thing too.


Any ideas or advice gratefully received :) .

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My hubby is an avid collector and has hundreds of model cars.....I have just asked his advice and he says the best way to get an idea of value is on ebay, but rather than looking at the listings look at the completed sales so that you can see what they actually sold for.


Hope this is helpful, OH says he doesn't know of any other sites that you can get a valuation from, but he did say that if you send him a list of the models he would check the values for you on ebay.....


If your FIL has any Sunbeam Alpine or Tiger models my hubby would be very interested if your FIL is wanting to sell them, good luck in your quest hope his collection fetches a good price.

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Thanks, Nicola :) . That is indeed helpful :) . I did have a quick look on Ebay a while back when FIL first mentioned it but I didn't have any names or models to check up on. It seemed quite a few were going for £40-50(each) :shock: .


Most of the models are planes but there are some ships and tanks (and one dinosaur :shock::roll: ). Don't know if these are of any interest to your OH?

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