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No Chichen Love - help please

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Hello we got our three girls about 3 weeks ago and apart from Olivia having a bit of a peck at Matilda there hasnt been any issues and all three laying.

However Olivia wont let us near her the other two have become used to us and will let us pick them up for a bit of a cuddle but also to let us inspect them and make sure they are ok. We had to do this with Matilda to put on spray on her to help her bare bum! but Oliva creates a mega fuss and get really stressed out if we try and pick her up. Is this normal? Are we doing something wrong? :oops:

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Hi ya,


Nope sounds like you doing great. Sounds like you got one like we have, she just runs off. I've even tried stroking her at bedtime while in the nestbox like they recommend and she tries to peck me!! :evil:


I think it's just the luck of the draw, she may get used to you with time. Ours comes over when called together with the others, but as for picking up or stroking, not on your nelly!! :lol::lol: Try when she's gone to bed, leave it a while then try once they all settled and sleepy. Cannot remember if you said she laying, but she may settle down once she starts laying and crouch for you to pick her up or stroke her.

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I have had the bantams since christmas and none of them let us pick them up... We started handling them at night to get them used to being handled and medicate/inspect and they are getting more used to it. They are not laying yet so hopefully that will make things better.

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It sounds pretty normal to me, not all chickens like to be handled.


You can (probably) improve things with a bit of patience and consostency. Start by offering her treats from a bowl. For the first couple of times, let her eat. Then try and stroke her. She'll start off by running away as soon as you raise your hand, but with persistence, she will hget used to it.


then try and touch her back while she's eating. Again, she'll run away the first few times. Eventually, she'll keep eating while you have your hand lightly toughinh her back.


Once she's used to that, you can progress to stroking. It'll be the same story. She'll run away at first.


And so on.


That worked with my original girls (but I haven't tried it with my recent additions),


Hope that helps

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